Open Webinar: ‘Obtaining Consent and Consumer Protection.’Information Network Law Society Business Law Institute(25th July 2024)

The terms and conditions for online services are becoming increasingly complex, leading to ‘Consumer Consent Fatigue’. In addition, a 2022 OECD report also considers the inducement of decision-making by so-called ‘Dark Patterns’ to be problematic.

The Business Law Study Group of the Information Network Law Association, has organised this open seminar, (combined with an online session), entitled ‘Obtaining Consent’ and Consumer Protection’, with Professor Katsutoshi Kano, an expert in consumer law.
Non-subscribers to the Society are also welcome to attend the seminar, so please feel free to attend.

Date: 25th July, (Thursday), 14:00-16:00 JST
Venue: AP Shibuya Dogen-zaka, Room A, (with Zoom webinar)

Speaker: Katsutoshi Kano, (Professor, Showa Women’s University)
Moderator: Kunifumi Saito, (Associate Professor at Keio University, Chair of the Business Law Study Group)

Admission: Free

(Invited Speaker’s Biography)
Katsutoshi Kano:
・served as Director of the Consumer Group Litigation Office, Consumer Planning Division,
 National Consumer Affairs Bureau;
・Cabinet Office: Director of the Consumer System Division, Consumer Affairs Agency;
・Secretary-General of the Consumer Commission.

He has been in his current position since 2023.

The personal information which you provide when applying for participation, will be used for the purpose of planning and organising the Business Law Study Group.

This seminar is supported by the JST Moonshot Research and Development Programme JPMJMS2215.

Applications are available at the following website: